We're not happy until you love your Blue Thistle prints. If there is a problem with your Blue Thistle item (damaged or smudged) we'll either reprint it or issue a refund for the amount of the print (less shipping)*. Please contact us at hello@bluethistle.ca within 10 days** of receiving your print and we'll take care of you!
We strive to create the best experience for our customers, so please make sure you triple-check your submissions for any errors with imagery, missing or incorrect information, capitalization mistakes, typos, etc. Blue Thistle will not be responsible for reprinting or refunding orders due to customer error (typos or mistakes on text created by customer, inappropriate photos or cropping issues confirmed in the proofing process).
*Up to $750.00 (less shipping) of total order may be refunded or replaced within 10 days of order receipt.
**After 10 days, this return policy is not applicable and orders cannot be returned or refunded.
Upon contacting us, further details on replacement procedures will be provided. Please save all packing material, as it will be required by the shipping company to inspect to determine if the package was damaged by them in shipping.
If you have any other questions about returns, please feel free to contact us.